Monday, 26 July 2021

The Income-Boosting Secret of America’s Youngest Retirees

Dear Reader,
William and Nancy weren’t high-powered CEOs raking in seven-figure salaries.

And they didn’t win the lottery.

They were an ordinary middle-class couple living in Seattle.

And yet, thanks in large part to one surprisingly simple move, they retired … when they were just 38 and 33.. 

Now they travel the world with their young son.

How did they do it? And more importantly, could you do the same?

Details on this and more are in my new
book Endless Income: 50 Secrets to a
Happier, Richer Life.

To find out more how you can get your hands on it and all of my insights, go HERE now.
Kind Regards,
Ted Bauman
Editor, Banyan Hill Publishing

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