Friday, 30 April 2021

Biden=?UTF-8?B?4oCZ?=s Obsession with Banning Guns Could Make This One Stock Go Ballistic

Greetings Reader,

Gun enthusiasts nationwide who have tried to buy ammunition lately have learned firsthand the meaning of "scarcity."

In small gun shops and big-box stores alike, where ample ammo once abounded, empty shelves are now revealing a severe shortage of ammunition.

And that is causing tens of millions of Americans across the country to fear that they soon will no longer be able to protect their homes and families.

The coronavirus pandemic, protests, civil unrest... they all contributed to more people stockpiling guns and ammo.

In January, gun sales reached 4,137,480 units, making it the largest single-month figure since 1998.

The demand is so massive that the National Rifle Association predicts the ammunition shortage could last through the end of this year.

In fact, they are calling it "the most demanding market in history by far."

But there is another key factor that is fueling this scenario.

"The Biden administration seems to have an outright obsession with gutting the Second Amendment and grabbing guns," said Shah Gilani, chief investment strategist for Money Morning, one of the nation's leading investment advisory publications.

"The more the progressives try to curtail sales and ownership, the more guns and ammo the American people are going to buy," said Mr. Gilani.

In fact:
  • Background checks for handgun purchases have gone up 80% in the last year...
  • Monthly firearm sales are now the highest they've been in history...
  • And now the industry is bringing in about $1.06 billion per month in revenue.
Even more, House lawmakers passed two gun-law bills in March, including one that would require background checks on all gun sales and transfers... fueling even more growth.

But, according to Mr. Gilani, there is a way people can play this situation to their advantage and for some huge potential profits.

"Firearms have always provided a highly lucrative return, but I'm looking for the really big pop in ammo," he reveals.

That is why Mr. Gilani, who is a skilled forecaster with more than 40 years of experience in the market, is recommending to his followers a little-known company that sells ammo to recreational shooters, hunters, law enforcement, and the military.

"They have revenue of $27.29 million and are pretty small. But get this: They just announced in September that they have more than $80 million in backorders," said Mr. Gilani.

This ammo company is still very cheap and is trading at around $8.00.

"The stock is moving fast, and I'd estimate that it has 200% to run," says Gilani.

The trend, he says, is clear. As the ammo shortage gets worse, the more this one company has to gain as its profit margins on every dollar of the $80 million in backorders skyrockets.

"This company's stock could just go through the roof," predicts Mr. Gilani. "In fact, it could rocket within days."

Click here and find out all about this ammo company stock that could triple its price this year.

To Your Success,

Bob Keppel
Publisher, Money Map Report

Stockguru LLC
711 SW 24th Ave Boynton, Beach, FL 33435

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