Wednesday, 24 February 2021

You canNOT buy this magazine...

Dear Reader,

I legally can't show you the whole cover, but take a look at this:

It's an issue of Time magazine printed in November 2020.

On the surface, it looks like any other issue of Time magazine...

But for some reason, this one seems to be different.

I've tried to get my hands on a hard copy and it's not possible.

I've looked on eBay...


Even the Time magazine website itself. 

There's not a single copy of this "Great Reset" issue available anywhere – at any price.

In fact, the last one I saw for sale was this beat up copy on eBay, selling for $130.

Why so much for a single issue? And why is a hard copy almost impossible to track down?

My colleague, tech expert Jeff Brown, wasn't able to get his hands on a copy, either... BUT, he's spent significant time on the website of the group pushing the Great Reset...

He's appeared on television with Glenn Beck to discuss the topic...

And he's even been tweeted about by Donald Trump for his work on this subject...

And what he's found is startling.

He says, "The Great Reset is essentially a controlled demolition of the American financial system. The events in the months ahead will make the events of the last few months feel insignificant in comparison."

Jeff has put together a free presentation to explain the big picture, and to show you what you can do to prepare. Go here to see his shocking conclusions.


Van Bryan

Managing Editor,  Brownstone Research

P.S. Jeff's message is so controversial, it could be banned from the internet at any moment. But for now, you can see the entire briefing, right here.

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