Sunday, 31 January 2021

3 key truths for investor success

The biggest financial event of the year is about to start...

Dear Reader,

Modern investing seems to have somehow gotten turned upside down...

Successful investing used to mean planting a seed today to collect a greater return down the road through compounding.

When did it turn into "now now now?"

Think about it…

The Fed lowered interest rates to 0% and now suddenly nothing pays a meaningful dividend.

This 'inverse investment' problem has led to short term thinking, trend following, and momentum investments.

That's why it's so important for successful investors to keep 3 key truths in mind:

  We cannot borrow our way into growth.

 We cannot print our way into value.

 Investing is not a get rich quick scheme.

Most investors seem to forget these truths, choosing to look for investments to cash in on today.

Investments like Bitcoin, with $10,000 daily swings as the norm.

That can be a double edged sword.

But it's indicative of a much bigger symptom.

#1 bestselling author Adam Baratta recently sat down with legendary filmmaker and documentary pioneer Jeff Hayes to discuss the disastrous circumstances sabotaging modern investors.

Click here to watch the revolutionary interview now.

This groundbreaking sitdown is available to our valued readers absolutely free, but only for a limited time.

Make sure you catch all the critical information in this presentation immediately -- before it's too late.

Watch the revolutionary interview now.


Adam Baratta,
#1 Financial Author in America

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